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Business Safety
Preparedness Planning for Your Business
Businesses and your staff face a variety of hazards:
- Natural hazards like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes.
- Health hazards such as widespread and serious illnesses like the flu.
- Human-caused hazards including accidents and acts of violence.
- Technology-related hazards like power outages and equipment failure.
There is much that a business leader can do to prepare his or her organization for the most likely hazards. Business leaders need to make a preparedness plan to get ready for these hazards.
- Identify Your Risk and Your Customer's Risk
- Develop A Plan
- Take Action
- Be Recognized and Inspire Others
How to Report Suspicious Activity
To report suspicious activity, contact your local law enforcement agency. Describe specifically what you observed, including:
- Who or what you saw
- When you saw it
- Where it occurred
- Why it's suspicious
If there is an emergency, call 9–1–1.