High-Quality Educational Opportunities for All

We know our residents strongly value education and want to elevate the importance of the City being active in supporting our local schools.

Since 2015, we have provided millions of dollars to public schools in our community for items such as improving and preserving educational facilities, technology resources, enhancing opportunities for early childhood education, providing curriculum support, learning specialist positions, and special education assistants. Additionally, we actively partner with advocates, community members, and nonprofit organizations to further educational outcomes.

We are committed to supporting high-quality educational opportunities for all students in Henderson.

School Spotlight

Share Your Success Stories with Us!

We want to hear about wins and accomplishments happening at local schools to shine a light on the tremendous work being done by education professionals, students and parents alike. You may even be recognized in a future Gold Standard eNewsletter and/or City social media post. Submit Your Story Today!

The Report Card